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Web app that lets users browse their favorite movies/tv shows or discover new ones. It also Features AI voice assistance to help you find any title.

ReactJS / MaterialUI / AI Voice Assistance

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  • Personal Project
  • Front-End Development
  • A.I. Voice Assistance

Platform Design

Filmage is an app for movie lovers. This web app lets users search through a vast collection of libraries for movies and tv shows. Users can find information about movies, actors, tv shows, episode guides, and more.

Tripable search results

Millions of Titles To Discover

Search through the extensive library of TMDB and quickly find any title or discover new titles with millions of movies, tv shows, and actors at your fingertips.

Save Your Favorites

Found a new title you are interested in? Add them to your watchlist or favorites that are also connected to your TMDB account so you can access them from anywhere.

Tripable dashboard

AI Voice Assistance

I integrated Alan AI Voice Assistant to provide users an effortless way of finding a movie, tv show, or actor you are interested in with a click of a button.

Alan AI